
Research & Writing

NoP believes in the importance of academic rigour in the Third Sector and it provides a reliable research assistance service. Research into the charity sector is an emerging field in academia and NoP is pleased to be part of this flourishing area of learning.

For example, we provided research and writing support for the NHS Charities Together Historical Stories Project to celebrate the 75th birthday of the NHS in 2023. Other research includes exploring the topics of chocolate and philanthropy, children’s philanthropic citizenship within children’s picture books, the Victorian charity fundraising world as well as global collaborative giving.

Alternatively, if you are planning to research and write about your organisation’s history but don’t have the resources, do get in touch.


There are multiple reasons why archives in the charity sector are being lost. Sometimes, organisations are fearful of devoting time and effort to an archive project and then being criticised for not focusing on their main philanthropic mission. Or, they do not know what steps to take and who to approach. The most common cause is they simply don’t have time and feel overwhelmed by the possible workload. For some years, NoP has been exploring the location and scope of philanthropic archival sites available in the UK and is liaising with skilled archivists within them to see what options are available.

Staff joining the charity sector of tomorrow or those studying the importance of philanthropy today need to be able to access the richness of knowledge and culture that archives provide. We are at present collaborating with family foundations and corporate givers to find the perfect public place for their archival paperwork. We are also liaising with philanthropic families about carrying out oral history testimonies to preserve their very individual giving history.

NoP can offer a first-stop advice service for those thinking about what to do with their archives, counselling on what to include, where to place them and the costs involved. It is also happy to talk to would-be benefactors who would like to give to this area of philanthropy.

Charity Support

NoP believes in supporting charities to be innovative, creative and inspirational in their approaches. It offers a range of assistance including strategic planning, management, fundraising, managing volunteers as well as marketing and communications.

It has supported a young person’s mental health charity to launch its 10th birthday year and fundraising appeal. It has given fundraising assistance and strategic support to an outdoor education and conservation not-for-profit and it has mentored numerous charities about the best ways to bring money in.

Please get in touch to enquire about these services on offer or to book a 30-minute free consultation session.